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The SeaPro articulated wishbone is a stainless steel wishbone made to SeaPro’s high quality standards. Keeping spare SeaPro wishbones for your speargun on hand during a hunt makes absolute sense. You should not let a damaged wishbone spoil your day, or even an entire trip. The SeaPro articulated wishbone makes loading your speargun easy and very safe. It has a super strong construction and will not bend or kink when loading. The screw-on threaded design will accommodate easy threaded band replacement through the muzzle with a closed loop. The jointed wishbone has dual swivel points for even-band pressure.

Brand: SeaPro

Full box contains: 10 ea.

Please contact your local dealer to order.

Partno: Description: Price:
200100012 WISHBONE ARTICULATED You have to be logged in to see prices


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